By order of Przedsiębiorstwo Robót Inżynieryjnych CENTRUM, MIDO company executed stormwater drainage connections 225 mm and 315 mm in diameter, about 14 meters long each. Installation took place in Wrzeszcz, a district of the city of Gdansk, in the area of busy Grunwaldzka Avenue, even in the evening.

grunwaldzka mapka 01
Installation location

Sewer connections had to be made with a precisely set slope between the infrastructure of the building under construction and the existing retention system. The connection point was the existing DN1200 sewage well, located in the middle lane of Aleja Grunwaldzka.

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Connection point - existing sewage well


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Connection point - existing sewage well


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Connection point - existing sewage well

The drilling process was carried out by pilot drilling, from the starting chamber with the Gravity Drilling Rig placed in it, to the well located on the street. Pilot drilling required high precision, which was a factor in achieving the desired gravity drop of the installation.

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The starting chamber with the Gravity Drilling Rig placed in the supporting structure - the adapter


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Precision Pilot Drilling

After obtaining a drilling head of a sewage well, it was equipped with a head enabling simultaneous drilling of a hole and installation of a sewage system.

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Completion of the pilot drilling in the sewer well


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Reaming head with first segment of modular pipe installed


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Re-arming of the reaming head to allow simultaneous pulling of the installation into the starting chamber


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Drilling with installation

The sections of the sewer pipe were made of Modular Pipes, connected directly to each other in the sewer well. It is worth saying that our technology of joining and sealing pipe segments ensures effective, tight and durable connection, which guarantees the highest quality and durability of the entire installation. The MIDO company has the certificate of the Building Research Institute for the Modular Pipes used.

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Joining successive segments of modular pipes in a sewage chamber

Then, by pulling the drilling head back from the well into the starting trench, an installation consisting of successively connected pipe segments was made.

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Pulling the pipe into the starting chamber

A very important advantage of the technology with the use of the Gravity Drilling Rig is the high efficiency of implementation, especially in installations requiring very high precision and accuracy of gravity drop. Another advantage is the lack of any need to interfere with the existing infrastructure. The technology allows for 100% trenchless installation. This results in the lack of generating any communication and other difficulties for the local society and the lack of additional construction and social costs related to the construction of installations in the construction area. Reducing the installation time with the help of Gravity Drilling technology means significant savings for local budgets. It is also support in the care for a clean environment, clean air, it is the fight against smog and environmental friendliness in construction processes.

Below is a link to a video from the implementation of this installation. Click on the picture below.


grinwaldzka ikona