One of the many installations already completed for which the Gravity Drilling technology has been designed. Installation of a sewer pipe between two existing manholes in the area of the existing road. Installation length of 20 meters, a decrease of 0.5% required, PP Modular Pipes Ø225x13.8 mm were used.

Due to the construction area, entered into the Monuments Register by the Provincial Monument Conservator, any interference with the existing historic road made of cobblestones was forbidden. Therefore, it is not possible to use any other trenchless technology. Each of them would require a partial demolition of the road surface.

The design of our machine allows it to be inserted through a typical manhole DN 600 and installed in a typical well DN 1200.

The Gravitational Drilling Rig was installed in the starting well and the process of building the installation began. Pierwszą czynnością jest wykonanie przewiertu pilotażowego ze studni startowej do studni końcowej.

After drilling into the end well, the pipe made of Modular Tubing segments was pulled from the end well to the starting well.

The installation was made in accordance with the design assumptions. The implementation time, along with all the preparatory and finishing works, was several hours. One lane of the street had to be excluded from traffic for these few hours. The use of any other trenchless technology, due to the need to partially demolish the construction site in order to be able to install the machines, would mean a complete closure of the street for at least two or three days. After completion of the works, the construction site should of course be reconstructed and restored to its original condition.