As part of the project "Construction of the S6 expressway Słupsk -Gdańsk", we have completed the sanitary installation - connections to street inlets - drainage of the Wielki Kack node.
The installation consisted of several sections of pipes with a length of over a dozen to several dozen meters each, made of PP Segmented Pipes ∅225x13.8 mm, installed with a 1% slope. The diagram below shows a fragment of the project of this installation.

The existing DN 1200 sewage chambers had to be connected to the existing sewage system. The Gravitational Drilling Rig is the only available technology that enables the fully trenchless implementation of this construction. PAt one end of the installation, we had sewage wells, and on the other, a very narrow strip separating two two-lane roads, which are part of the Tricity Beltway.
Wiertnicę Grawitacyjną zainstalowano w studni startowej, z której następnie wykonano przewiert pilotażowy do wykopu końcowego, usytuowanego na pasie rozdzielającym jezdnie.

Then a sewage pipe was built from the Modular Pipes, which was pulled from the ending trench to the starting well.

The construction site associated with the project, as mentioned, was located in the area of the busy Tri-City Beltway. The use of any other technology restricting or disabling this communication route was not allowed. The Gravity Drilling Technology has been developed in such installations that it is possible to perform the installations fully trenchlessly, without interfering with the existing infrastructure and without stopping traffic.