Construction of a sewage system in Gdańsk-Jasień


Construction of a sanitary sewage system in Gdańsk - Jasień, Kartuska street

Modular pipes used: PP 180x10.2x600 / 700

Gravity drop: i = 1.5%

Installation length: 16.5 m

Sanitary sewerage construction, typical for the technology of precise horizontal drilling MIDO. The implementation required high precision of the set gravitational drop. The installation is located under a busy street, the exclusion of which would result in significant traffic difficulties, especially during rush hours. Using our Gravity Drilling technology, communication difficulties were limited to the partial occupation of one lane of traffic adjacent to the DN 1200 starting well.

jasien mapka ang
Construction site plan.
jasien przekroje ang
Installation scheme


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Construction location. A busy street intersection.
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Construction location. A busy street intersection.
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The location of the starting well.
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The location of the starting well.
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The location of the starting well.
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A starting well with an installed Gravity Drilling Rig.
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Measurements of slope and depth during pilot drilling.
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Measurements of slope and depth during pilot drilling.

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Pilot drilling performed in the technical excavation.
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Pilot drilling performed in the technical excavation.
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Measurement of the ordinate of the performed pilot drilling.
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Reaming a pilot drilling while simultaneously pulling in the first tube module.
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Construction of an installation in a technical excavation with simultaneous hauling into the starting well.
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Successive pipe segments prepared at the technical excavation.
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Pulling the installation into the starting well.
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Pulling the installation into the starting well.